“Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever.” -Neil Gaiman

The start to 2023 is now history. Just thinking about that seems somewhat amazing. As I wrote in my last post, time certainly does not stand still.

I thought I would take a few moments and provide some insight to what is going on here at bradmangas.com.

Over the past 10 plus years, to be honest, I have always struggled to write blog posts. I get it stuck in my mind a post needs to have some kind of magical insight and laid out perfectly into the world of photography, creativity, even philosophy, before made public. This being said, over the past 10 plus years I have greatly overthought these things. There is a somewhat well known aphorism that, “perfection is the enemy of good“. I am quite certain I have proven that for many years. Now at age 62 and one month, I need to be content with not only being good (instead of perfect), but hopefully better today than yesterday.

To go along with the “being better than yesterday” part, I have this strange, weird, unexplainable desire to make a bunch of mistakes. Does that sound strange or what? The realization has finally dug deep enough into my subconscious that the only way to bet better is to make mistake after mistake. I am speaking mostly about my creative journey in photography. But this concept of being willing to make mistakes will spill over into all aspects of things I am sure.

The premise of this is simple. If you don’t want to make a mistake, don’t do anything. If you want to make a mistake every now and then, do a few things every now and then. But, if you want to push past some boundaries, break some limits, and reach for things that are presently out of your grasp, there is only one way to do that. Be willing to make some mistakes, probably lots of mistakes. Every one will be a learning experience. It is only then can one even consider succeeding in whatever their desired outcome is.

My thought at present is to make more blog posts about images and brief insights into the making of images. This isn’t a big change, but the hope is to be a little more laid back about photography, art, creativity, and philosophy. Along with being a little more open to personal thoughts and opinions on subjects in general.

As for some bigger news. Changes are about to be implemented that will effect how prints are purchased from bradmangas.com. I am going to shoot for the end of this month (or sooner) to make these changes live on this website. These changes involve utilizing a leading print on demand (POD) service, for print fulfillment. This will allow an easier and quicker start to finish ordering process. It will also make available more options for substrates, sizing, custom framing, product options, and last but not least, downloadable image files.

When something old is new again

I have spent over 6 months reprocessing many images. Images made from 2009 to present. Without getting into the nitty gritty of processing, I can say there are now images that will be available that have taken a new direction in the type of photographic art I am making available. Nothing earth shattering mind you, but changes in this direction will be noticeable. I have discovered this past year or so I have a strong desire to be more creative when it comes to my photography. I have hit on something that is taking what use to be boring and made it exciting. This all has to do with the processing of images. As new images become available, and as soon as the new gallery begins filling up with newly redone work I will be sure to share much more information about these things.

We live, we die, and like the grass and trees, renew ourselves from the soft earth of the grave. Stones crumble and decay, faiths grow old and they are forgotten, but new beliefs are born. The faith of the villages is dust now … but it will grow again … like the trees.

Chief Joseph

moon rise, black and white photograph,

A Walk Alone

Calm quiet moon rise

All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.

~Blaise Pascal

  • Nature Photography

Life & Challenges

The Golden Age Looking to today and beyond. Most of us will not achieve everything in life [...]

  • Reflections of flowers blooming.

Summer Update – Photos & News

Time to get caught up on summer photos. Lots have been taken. There have been a large number of photos taken from nearby hiking trails. Most of which will be gone through shortly. I would think a good handful will make it into some of the galleries here as well as offered as prints.

  • Kansas Flint Hills

Seasonal Journey

The journey through autumn this year seems to have been a fast one. I dreamt of cooler temps and colorful landscapes that only autumn can provide.

  • Cezanne Sunflowers - Paintography

The Paintography Zone

Historically, there has always been a "somewhat" blending of painting and photography. This is of course after the invention of photography. As time progressed it was not uncommon for an artist who painted in the traditional sense to use a photograph to base their painting off of.

  • nature walk in the mist and fog

A Walk In The Mist

A misty and foggy day to start the new year, 2023. Enjoying nature, some photography, and quiet end to a new years winter day.

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