When I am not hiking around the prairies, getting lost on some long-forgotten back road, or walking in the park with Stormy, I’m usually hanging out in my office.
- Brad Mangas
- Topeka, Kansas
There are a few ways to contact me. Email always seems to be the most reliable.

I am no stranger to email. When your internet is slow it is more than likely due to the number of emails I am receiving. I receive more email than the number of people I will know in my entire life. What’s up with that?
I do try to answer all personal and business related emails in a timely manner. Hopefully within a day. If not a day (roughly), it might be between 10 days to 10 months. (I don’t do email on holidays. I think that’s illegal). Come to think of it, I don’t do much on holidays other than try to get out and enjoy nature. Especially the ones where most stay inside.
The best way to get my attention is to use the form below. Or a Carrier Pigeon if you prefer. Just make sure you feed the little critter good before you send them my way. Carrier Pigeons are so cool!
Contact Form
If you experience an issue using this contact form you may always email me directly at: