The Blog
On photography and things like that
Where thoughts and pictures become words.
Life & Challenges
The Golden Age Looking to today and beyond. Most of us will not achieve everything in life we ever had hoped for. It's probably fair to say, we all will have [...]
Summer Update – Photos & News
Time to get caught up on summer photos. Lots have been taken. There have been a large number of photos taken from nearby hiking trails. Most of which will be gone through shortly. I would think a good handful will make it into some of the galleries here as well as offered as prints.
Seasonal Journey
The journey through autumn this year seems to have been a fast one. I dreamt of cooler temps and colorful landscapes that only autumn can provide.
The Many Parts Of A Fulfilled Life
Living a fulfilled life. Thoughts and ideas on contentment and happiness.
The Paintography Zone
Historically, there has always been a "somewhat" blending of painting and photography. This is of course after the invention of photography. As time progressed it was not uncommon for an artist who painted in the traditional sense to use a photograph to base their painting off of.
A Walk In The Mist
A misty and foggy day to start the new year, 2023. Enjoying nature, some photography, and quiet end to a new years winter day.
Site News, January 2023
Over the past 10 plus years, to be honest, I have always struggled to write blog posts. I get it stuck in my mind a post needs to have some kind of magical insight and laid out perfectly into the world of photography, creativity, even philosophy, before made public.
It’s Always The Small Things
A Falling Leaf ~ by Malcome Guite This morning I took a Sunday walk with George and Zara, the two retired greyhounds whos job it is to teach me returning and rest. We ambled through bright autumn [...]
Push Back – Something Better
And so it goes, we are born, live, and die. Sounds convenient. At least simple. But we know that is isn't. Struggles are a part of living. And that is after the whole "being born" part. Thank goodness [...]
A Force For Good
"Ultimately, our photography is a reflection of how we see the world and the things that we really care about. Thinking about what we love and why, might make the process of making the images that translate [...]
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.
~Lao Tzu