Living Wide Rather Than Living Long
Living Wide Rather Than Living Long It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Living has yet to be generally recognized as one [...]
Living Wide Rather Than Living Long It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Living has yet to be generally recognized as one [...]
The Golden Age Looking to today and beyond. Most of us will not achieve everything in life we ever had hoped for. It's probably fair to say, we all will have unrealized hopes, dreams, and desires. But [...]
Time to get caught up on summer photos. Lots have been taken. There have been a large number of photos taken from nearby hiking trails. Most of which will be gone through shortly. I would think a good handful will make it into some of the galleries here as well as offered as prints.
The journey through autumn this year seems to have been a fast one. I dreamt of cooler temps and colorful landscapes that only autumn can provide.
Living a fulfilled life. Thoughts and ideas on contentment and happiness.
Historically, there has always been a "somewhat" blending of painting and photography. This is of course after the invention of photography. As time progressed it was not uncommon for an artist who painted in the traditional sense to use a photograph to base their painting off of.