The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. -Joseph Campbell
Brad Mangas
Finding Inspiration in the mystery’s and beauty of nature.
As a person who searches for insight through solitude, I have always found it somewhat difficult to describe any meaningful “about me” when the need arises. I will first state, I am not completely comfortable explaining anything about myself. It is that deep introverted part of me that really just wants to be left alone when faced with such explanations.
Beyond the typical cold facts that fill most “About” pages I have always felt a need to describe why more than what. Accomplishments, notoriety, publicity, have never been reasons for producing art. Or for living a creative life for that matter. The more distracting outside influence that creeps into my thought process the less I grow and improve as a person.
I have always been one that would rather have their actions speak much more than simple words. I guess it’s a pet peeve of mine, that being, blowing one’s own horn for all the world to hear. Does it really matter (and I’m serious about this) if I grew up with a camera in my hands or have a Masters’s in the Fine Arts? Or better yet was raised by a pack of wolves on the arctic tundra and became one with nature. Or if I dropped out of school in the 6th grade to work and help put food on my family’s table. Does any of that matter to you more than 30 seconds after you have read it? Does it make my work more appealing? My hope is it would not.
Even though solitude has always been an important aspect of my life, helping others has always been a source of great personal satisfaction. It is my hope that some may find moments of comfort, peace, and solace in my work. All were present when each photograph was made. A place where the beauty and peaceful aspects of nature provide comfort, relaxation, and imbue a sense of well-being.
We are very happy to provide art for business, corporate, and institutional clients. We are especially pleased to provide our art for healthcare facilities, hospitals, clinics, and doctor offices. Over the years we have also provided various art for public publications as well as in-house corporate needs.
A partial list of our growing business, corporate, and institutional clients.
- Distinctive Art Source
- Northeast Georgia Health System
- Stormont Vail Healthcare
- Alexian Villa St. Joseph Nursing Home
- Meredith Corporation
- Kansas Magazine
- Kansas Calendar
- Sunflower Publishing
- Kansas Department of Travel & Tourism
- Kansas Historical Society
- Security Benefit of Kansas
- McCormick Armstrong
- Koch Creative Group
- American Family Insurance
- Along with many private homes
Over the years I have made it a point to help worthwhile organizations whenever possible. This is typically done with print donations that may be auctioned to help raise money. I always feel fortunate when I am asked to help. I am proud to have helped the following organizations by providing work.
- Boys & Girls Club
- Family Service & Guidance Center
- American Cancer Society
- Symphony Of The Flint Hills
- National Park Service
- Flint Hills Regional Council
- Pottawatomie County Economic Development
- Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Kansas
Because of my continued support of specific causes, I do not accept every request for image donations. I am happy to work with many other non-profits and charitable organizations at reduced rates that are equitable to both parties.
Please contact me for any worthwhile charitable request. I am happy to consider any opportunity.