What happened to the original bradmangs.com you ask? My long standing gallery of nature & landscape photography can now be seen at, you ready for this, it’s quite a unique name I came up with. Ok, now remember this, bookmark it write it down and permalink it to the synapses of your mind. bradmangasphotography.com Wow, how you may ask did I ever come up with such a cleaver name! It took lots of blood sweat and a few tears, but I did.
All kidding aside for a moment, there has been a few minor changes to the online presents of Brad Mangas Photography. As mentioned the gallery home is bradmangasphotography.com, and this site you are at, as if you didn’t know is now the new https://https://bradmangas.com. No need to bother you with the whys and what-fors except to say I feel much better with the arrangement and new setup. I have come to realize the importance of blogs in the success of online commerce and the dynamic nature of the written word has a much greater ability of getting visitors involved on a regular basis. For that reason I felt my main presence and home base so to speak should be https://https://bradmangas.com and that should be a place for regular interaction by both myself and you the visitor.
New arrangement, new look. I’m excited to have chosen a new look for this interactive website format. Remaining heavily in the blog realm of information, this site will have the ability to grow with many features and aspects that the internet world has to offer. No need to jump the gun and get into what content will be available. Staying with a dynamic format will most likely offer the ability of an array of information, products and services.
So with that small nugget of explanation I would like to first and foremost thank you for taking time out to visit. A word of thanks is all I can offer at the moment, your loyal patronage is the reason for this effort and will never be taken lightly. So don’t stay away long before checking back in to see what coming down the pike. We may have to start off in the near future by just giving some prints away. Yep for Free! Can’t beat that witha stick! So visit often and remember comments are not only welcomed, they are most appreciated.
Thanks for stopping by for now, chat with ya again soon.