Daily Photograph, December 6

© Brad Mangas
Another late post for the daily photograph, way to many things pulling me away from my timely deliveries. This image is one from a recent morning walk with Lexi down around Shunga Creek. We are just now getting the weather to start forming some ice along the creeks edge. As we passed under a bridge I noticed a shady area that had just a skim of ice on top so of course I had to investigate closer. With the G11 in macro mode I quickly zeroed in on this sycamore leaf suspended in the icy grip of the creek.
On a slight side note I had to take a moment and check on the number of posts I have made for the Daily Photograph. I started this endeavor on November 19, 2009 with this post and as of today have posted 340 posts to the DP. Yep I have missed a few days here and there but no worries the fun and learning experience is still hanging on and my hope is to only get better with posting such daily sights and scenes. The purpose as stated when I started this project was to learn, grow and have fun with my photography. At times posts seem on the dull side and hopefully not to boring to you all whom visit and check out what’s in store for that day. I still have a strong believe that improvements in anything be it photography, cooking, race car driving, roller skating or whatever must become part of ones daily thought process. I have used these post to try new things sometimes inspired by others and sometimes just to have fun. There is no ending date or specific period I have in mind for the DP but as long as it’s fun I will continue. And thank you all who have made this a place to check my musing out on a regular basis.
I admire the dedication. It is something I have always considered, but never committed to doing it. It takes a lot of perseverance for sure.
Thank you Mark, there have been times when I’ve considered stopping the daily photograph posts, my inspiration seems to come in spurts with my photography and I really never know when it will happen or what will trigger it. Sometimes the daily posts are a chore and I wonder why but sometimes they help fuel the creative side and serve as a challenge which I like. I have to say it has been much more of a positive experience than a chore to do them.
And as far as using the Nik plugins or Topaz (which I also use and like) Photoshop, or Lightroom it’s kinda like wow how many tools does a person really need, might depend on what it is a person is trying to create, it does get to be a struggle to go through them to see what I’m looking for I agree.