During the months of February and March I will be joined by 6 other artist for a showing at the Art Room in Eldorado Kansas. If your in the area during the 2 month period stop by and check out some wonderful art. Reception will be held February 5th from 6-9 p.m. Stop in and meet the artists including yours truly. Joining me will be, Randy Bell – Photography, Julie Clements – Photography, Alexandra Kimball – Photography, Teresa Leonard – Sculpture, Brenda Yarnall – Photography, Dennis Yarnall – Photography.

Images that will be on display;

© Brad Mangas

Shunga Moon – 20″ x “30

© Brad Mangas

Renewal -16″ x 24″

© Brad Mangas

Natures Palette – 16″x24″

© Brad Mangas

Journey – 30″ Pano

© Brad Mangas

Flint Hills Goldenron – 16″ x 24″

© Brad Mangas

Aspen Autumn – 20″ x “30”

© Brad Mangas

Lost Border – 24″ Pano