I made it back out to the local rose garden this afternoon, it was a good day to be there at least for photo opportunities. The skies held up offering a nice overcast day, had to be patient with a light breeze but other than that a good day.
I carried both cameras around the grounds with me, my dslr for some macro shots I had my mind on and my P80 for anything that caught my attention for fun. The more I use this pocket camera the more I like it. It is well worth any serious photographer to invest in a good point & shoot if for no other reason than to help grow in your photography. It truly allows you to take shots you would probably would other wise not, due to the convenience of just whipping it out and doing it. (Taking a picture that is).
I took this picture with the P80 as I was walking back to my truck. I hadn’t noticed exactly what this piece of artwork was until I waked over and read the plaque on it. You probably can’t read it on this smaller post here.
It reads: Freedom Bird by Jim Bass – To commemorate the new birth of freedom acquired by many countries of the world as totalitarian systems fall in the early years of the 1990’s. A gift to the people of Topeka by the friends of Reinisch Rose Garden dedicated June 6th. 1993
Ok, I have only lived in Topeka since 2006 but I still don’t know why I haven’t stopped to read this until now. At least now I am glad I have. A rather cool gift for a very great reason.
I worked this up in Topaz Adjust and Detail. There seems to be many uses for the Topaz Labs array of photoshop plugins and one I’m finding very appealing is the desaturation of certain images. It can provide a look that one would other wise not even no existed.