Daily Photograph, November 7 ~
There is a group of maples, gums and oaks a few blocks from my home that I notice each spring and fall. This row of 6-7 trees are in a narrow strip between a busy street and sidewalk. Like clockwork they are making there presents known to me again this year. Saturday morning as I was coming back from my predawn drive I decided to see if I could stop and make a few shots of this wonderful group of trees in the neighborhood. I even had to move some orange and white construction cones from along the sidewalk, they didn’t seem to fit in with the fall colors! Oops, I think I forgot to put them back.
The images we see in are everyday travels can often times become ordinary and less than spectacular as those that exist in distant places that we can only dream about. Sometimes this is the case but just as true the images and scenes we pass by each day not only can provide the since of wonderment and beauty but if we would just slow down and spend a few moments enjoying them we may just see how special they are and how lucky we are for being at that place, close to home.