Please refer to the Licensing agreement for proper use of images
This months offering is an image that was taken a few weeks back during a stay at a wonderful county lake nestled in the Flint Hills, Chase County State Lake located a few miles west of Cottonwood Falls Kansas. I spent 3 days and 2 nights camped at the lake spending many hours exploring the surrounding countryside and hiking the hills and prairies that surround the lake. After a late night campfire meal around 10pm I was enjoy the wonderful weather and entrancing view of the lake when the stars began to come visible with the shine of the nearly full moon reflecting off the water. The next 30 minutes or so I found myself once again behind the camera capturing the enchanting view that I was so fortunate to experience.
Note about the image;
From this months offering forward I will be making available only the larger sized 1600px image as opposed to the previous months 1600px and 1200px since the larger size can easily be fitted for most any size display.
The image for your desktop is formatted according to the original image as captured by the camera typically at 2×3 ratios which means, it is not necessarily formatted for specific monitor sizes, it is offered here at 1600px wide.
You may first click on the image to see it at full size or to save as your background simply right click the thumbnail image and chose; set as desktop background, image will be saved without borders to your desktop background. Then in your desktop properties chose the best properties to display your image. (Example; center, fit, stretch)
Chase County State Lake, Kansas Flint Hills
To order a fine art print of this image click here
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Thank You all who have shown interest in my work.
Thanks, Brad. This is such an outstanding image and I appreciate your sharing it this way.
Your very welcome Ken, thanks for being a loyal follower.
I love one of the pictures called ‘Kansas Nature’ of the Flinthills sunset, is this available for purchase?