I took a little break the other day from processing images and made a quick trip out to Shawnee Lake, a fella can only set in front of the computer so long, and for me it seems to becoming less and less. I have around 80 images I’m going through checking, resizing and getting ready to have prints made of for Artist Collection and Custom Framing here in Topeka. Soon there soon will be a big selection of my work on hand at the gallery, I have say thanks owner Ron Koerperich  for allowing such a big selection of my work to be available.

© Brad Mangas

I made a trip around the lake, snow covered grounds, ice and snow covered lake. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for but with the conditions I couldn’t images much other than a monotone image. Form and lines seem to stick out in my mind so I stopped and played around with some shots along the lakes icy edge with the leading lines of rock and trees attracting my attention.

After spending some time along the lakes edge I decided to stop by what is one of my favorite trees in the area where a couple of years ago I made this image. I hadn’t necessarily thought of shooting this scene earlier but I always like to check it out. My main concern was the framing of the tree without to much of the background cutting through it. I ended up getting down low to the ground and shooting at a slight up angle to get what I wanted. My time out shooting has been somewhat limited this winter due to deadlines and working on the business side of my photography and boy it sure did feel good to be able to make a couple of new images during a short afternoon drive.

© Brad Mangas