I came across a good article yesterday morning while checking my Google alerts. I have quite a few alerts setup to notify me via email when specific topics have been mentioned online. This alert led me to an article just published in the Wichita Eagle entitled; Flint Hills ranchers ready to resume prairie burns after years of drought (click on it to read).

I found this very interesting for the fact that a couple days ago I confirmed my reservation to this years “Flames In The Flint Hills” event at the Flying W Ranch April 5th. This will be my second attendance to this event, my first was 3 years ago. I would really like to attend every year but I have been unable to the last couple. As the article mentioned the last two years have not been the best for burning of the prairies and grasses due to the drought that has suppressed growth of the grasses. Last year was a good year for much needed moisture. Even though we could have used more and can use more at present the prairie sprang back nicely last year with the need for spring burns much welcomed .

As mentioned in the preceding article Kansas takes the burning of the tallgrass prairies very seriously as this is vital for the long term health of such an ecosystem. Over the years I have wrote much about the Flint Hills and Tallgrass Prairies they have become an integral part of what I do and the outlook for my own life. For a good portion of my life I never knew how much the environment could effect day to day living. Approximately 7 years ago it is as if a giant megawatt light came on in my head and quickly lite up my soul as to what living on this planet is really about.

It is true we are a civilization made up of many variants of beliefs and cultures. The one constant for not only every human but for every specie of life is we all live on the same planet and are effected by the same environmental conditions regardless of our beliefs or culture. It is this understanding that makes us all related not only in where we live but how we live.

Education is always key to understanding events such as this. There are still those out there that relate fire only with destruction. Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to burning of the our prairie lands. Oh I could go on a little tree hugging rant but truth is I don’t consider myself a “tree hugger.” I simply think it is vital we take care of where we live. Not for the fact that man will destroy the planet, we become arrogant with such thoughts but, we can loose that which is vital to our own well being. Nature and the bounties which it provides in ways not possible by man made systems is the constant we all need for life, love and happiness.

Links to the mentioned article led me to find this video which is loaded with great information concerning the springtime ritual of burning of the prairies. It is 30 minutes long but well worth the time. Every year I go through a lull between winters slow retreat and anticipation of spring. Then like bolt of spring lightning, I am there. Ready for one of the most grandest of events I have ever been witness too.
