Morning walk time –

Just got back from my morning walk with our 4 legged kido Lexi that I mention here from time to time and a nice morning for a walk it was. Last night we had a slight storm move through, not much precipitation here in Topeka more I hear to the west of us including….. I almost hate to say it, snow! What the…!!! I don’t know why I act surprised it happens every year, you would think I would be use to it. I guess I probably am, just not quite ready for it yet, I was hoping in one more outing while some color still lingered on the trees. Oh there are still trees with plenty of leaves on them, at least in town but I’m not so sure about on in the open countryside. A prime example is today’s quick shot taken during our walk.

On one route we walk under a couple of big maple trees and yesterday a picture of this exact spot would have shown a sidewalk, today, the leaves of 2011 all nicely laid out like natures carpet. I knew when we turned this corner and it caught the view I needed to take a picture of them. One thing I still have to look forward to as far as my fall photography is I love taking pictures of leaves, as one can tell from the Leafscapes gallery on my website. I thought wow, these probably won’t stay in this good of condition for long I wonder if I have time to go back home and get my 60D and come take some pictures? Then I snapped back to reality and realized, yeah like these are the only leaves I’m going to see in the coming weeks. So I pulled out the very best camera I have, and of course all of you know that is the camera you have with you when you need to take a picture, which in this case was my trusty iphone and 15 seconds later problem solved, picture made.

So my tip for the day is (not that I am going to start giving out daily tips or anything) just take the picture, and finish enjoying your walk.

© Brad Mangas