Daily Photograph, November 29

© Brad Mangas
I hope everyone got their fill over the Thanksgiving weekend, I thought I would share the last of the pie with ya, I mean take them please! If I eat another piece of pie I know for a fact I will turn into something that resembles a pumpkin! After my first piece and before my second I had to pull out the ol iphone and grab a quick picture before it was gone.
I took a few days off from the daily photograph for the simple reason of, I found other things at this time of year more important than keeping up with a blog, but no worries time to get the wheel rolling again.

© Brad Mangas
I did get to spend some time out on the open prairies, the weather was great and the grasses are in their typical late year glory. But as I was driving down a country road this group of horses just looked friendly to me so I had to stop and talk to them for a bit and take a picture with the G11. (I think they were trying to tell me something). I worked this up using a one of the onOne Software free plugin presets.