Being Valentines Day I will start by saying; Hope everyone is having a good day with whomever are the important people in your life.

Now for a little self promotional info. (Hey we all have to do it sometimes!) At the end of last year I was contacted by the Flint Hills Regional Council inquiring about using some of my work in their online and print materials. I get these type of inquiries throughout the year and I am always happy for it. I never immediately jump for joy when being asked about using photos to help promote organizations. It’s never really about the money or publicity with me but, much more about what it is I am being asked to help with. So like I always do I done a little research into the Flint Hills Regional Council.

What I discovered is summed up very well in their Vision Statement:

The north-central Flint Hills region of Dickinson, Geary, Morris, Pottawatomie, Riley, and Wabaunsee counties is flourishing with an exceptional Heartland lifestyle, world class knowledge economy, and inspiring Tallgrass Prairie Environment. The accomplishments of the individual and distinct communities of the region have been achieved through an extraordinary level of trust, cooperation and mutual support. The achievements have been gained with the vision, leadership, assistance and expertise of the Flint Hills Regional Council, including the contributions of partners, such as Kansas State University, Fort Riley, and local chambers of commerce.”

I was very pleased to read about what it is they stand for, their goals, and their plans of achieving them. When organizations such as this are working towards things close to my heart with a concise purpose it is only right that I help however I can. I am happy to have been contacted and asked to help promote the FHRC and their efforts.

I just received a complimentary copy of the  Flint Hills Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy publication in which my work was used throughout. From a section of the publication titled “Strategic Direction” they again summarize their vision; “A highly educated populace, working in an evolving knowledge-based economy, living in the rich heritage of the Flint Hills ecosystem.” 

Thank you to all the great folks of the Flint Hills Regional Council.

Kansas, Flint Hills, IMG_2715

Flint Hills Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Publication