©Brad Mangas | Fuji FinePix F700

©Brad Mangas | Fuji FinePix F700

I seem to have an affection for leaves, probably the whole tree actually. I believe trees and the beauty they produce stand equal to any grand landscape on the planet, earth, sea or sky. So of course the micro landscapes they produce I regard equally as wonderful.

It’s always a thrill to run across these small scenes just lying there on the ground. Passed by unnoticed by almost all. They always seem somewhat uninteresting at first glance, but this is where this daily pics projects takes me. To the places that make me take a second look at the ordinary in an unordinary way.

I knew when I ran across this small frozen puddle on the ground with oak leaves somewhat suspended in time by the icy grips, it looked nice to me, I knew it had potential. And that is all one needs, the rest is up to the desire and effort put in.