Back with the daily pics after a couple of days absence. Not necessarily from my doing I was going through some computer issues. I will make another post after this with some thoughts and maybe even rants on the subject of the photographer and the computer age.
This is a shot taken last Saturday out in the flint hills. The day started out with light rain and continued up until late afternoon. Once there was a break in the rain I managed to get out explore some areas mostly looking for wildflowers and views of. I spotted this mound 100 yards or so from the road that looks to be cover with mostly groundsel (the yellow flowers). Looking at this shot closer I also see some yarrow and late blooms from new jersey tea. I thought it provided a nice expansive view of the land that love to visit. Lots of things blooming right now and they will continue right up until late fall. It’s a wonderful time to visit the prairies and the flint hills.