© Brad Mangas

I mentioned yesterday about a framed print I see each morning that got me thinking and led to working up of yesterdays daily pic. This would be the  image that got the thinking about some of the older winter shots in my archives. Again taken around Lake Shawnee in ’07.

Standing on the lake shore watching the sunset for no other reason than inspiration. The silhouette of certain trees caught my attention against the winter horizon.

Yesterdays shot seemed to work up well to a black & white image. I applied a similar technique to this shot as well. I seemed to have more curiousity about black and white these days. Some images work very well, some maybe not so much. But one never knows until they try.

I do believe shots such as this (silhouette types) have potential as a monochrome image. I seem to look for the variations from bright to dark to in order to bring out the best in black and white. Along the line of Ansel Adams zone system. 1 being total black and 10 being total white. The more variations between the extremes seems to bring more tones out in the image, obviously.

Experiment with your craft. Don’t get stuck thinking you have to produce images one certain way.  Not only is it fun, it may lead to opportunities not yet discovered.

© Brad Mangas