© Brad Mangas

I find it so much fun to go walk around with my small Nikon P80 pocket camera. I end up looking at things that I know I would not bother setting up the tripod and dslr for, especially some of these type of macro shots. That being said, some things like this allow me to see what an image will look like and if I think it has potential then I may just go back with the bigger gear and go for it.

This shot was taken on one of the small foot bridges across Shunga Creek that I have mentioned before. I parked and walked up onto the bridge with the idea of some creek shots but nothing really caught my attention. Then looking around I couldn’t help but notice the bolts on the bridge railing. Something about old iron things that I think make for interesting photography. The colors and textures really play a big part in that.

I worked this up with a Topaz Detail adjustment to help bring out the rust and lichen which I really like. I even like the out of focus area for what kind of looks like noise in it. Brings more interest to it in my opinion. Yep I may be going back to take pictures of old rusty bolts with the bigger setup, how fun!