Sorry for being late in the day before I put today’s daily photograph up, too many things to do and not enough time but I’m sure I don’t have to tell anyone that. I seem to start working on images and can’t stop but I am going to make myself a challenge and that is to get the daily photograph posted no later than 10am and that would be central time and I am even going to attempt to have it done and scheduled the night before so it gets posted by 6am. It’s one of those things that I just feel better about and it’s important that if I am going to have something called a daily photograph it should be up for most of the day.Ok enough about that. Today’s image is of a the begging of the trail that yesterdays dp was made at. The light was low and coming through the yellow aspens like the sun through stained glass window. It was in this area I talked to the workshop group I met.
A bit about the processing of this. I have been very curious about the Nik Color Efex 3.0 plugin for photoshop and yesterday I downloaded the 15 day trial version, this is an image worked up with one of the presets from that called Pro Contrast. I compared this to an image worked up in my normal fashion, curves, shadow & hilight and selective color adjustments and I must say I like this result better. Now I just have to spend plenty of time to see if the $299.00 price tag is going to be worth it for me, wow that’s alot for a single plugin! I can find a 15% discount but still mucho deneario! (I’m sure I didn’t spell that right)
Remember my little story about my Nikon P80 that I use many times for my dp’s not making it back from Colorado last week, well as of this moment I have a brand new Canon G11 setting on my table and the battery is being charged! Yippee! I placed an order for one last Wednesday from Adorama and it is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. What you say? How could I have one today? I was at our local Best Buy this morning and just for the fun of it I walked over to the camera section and there was a G11 on display for $299. The one I have showing up tomorrow I paid $428 for. Hmm, what in tarnation is this! I grabbed a sales person and asked about the price. Well come to find out Best Buy is clearing out the G11 to replace with the G12 and all G11 are on clearance for $299! It didn’t take me long to determine the one I’m getting from Adorama tomorrow is going back and the one for $299 is going home with me especially since they only had 2 left. Anyway thought I would share that in case anyone is looking for a G11 right now.
Above is an image I worked up and then added the Nik Color Efex Pro Contrast preset. The one on the left is with out the Efex the one on the right I applied it to. The main difference I see is the right image appears cooler in tone, more bluish hue to the image. Hmm, must keep experimenting.
Very curious….. according to the Best Buy website, the Canon – PowerShot 10.0-Megapixel Digital Camera Model: G11, is on sale at $499………….
On the Adorama website it’s currently $428.95
Helen Oster
Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador
Thanks for your comment and staying on top of current prices Helen. This offer may not include internet orders and could very well apply only to in store stock to get rid of current G11’s on the shelves. But the Topeka store had 8 at this price less than a week ago and as of yesterday they have 1 left.
I will say I have always been happy with all my purchases and business done at Adorama and will certainly continue. Thanks for your time to comment here.