© Brad Mangas

I must have thought I needed something to do yesterday so as you can probably tell I changed the theme of this blog. I wasn’t getting what I thought I wanted out of the last theme so the change of view was done not once but twice! I will be working with this theme over the next few weeks getting the feel of the new look and tweaking this and that I’m sure. I have also been working on the new look of the image gallery which still has finishing touches needed including the purchase option, image titles and key wording to finish up. You might notice that bradmangasphotography.com now lands on bradmangasphoto.com. This is the first step in ultimatly combining this blog site and the image gallery at one location which will take some handy work by my two different hosting sites, guess I will see how that goes in the near future as well.

I have been slow in adding new images to the gallery the last couple of months as computer work has taken most of the time but I will be putting more time into being out in nature both for new imagery and to simply rejuvenate mind and soul. I attended this years Docent Roundup along with about 50 other docents last weekend at Konza Prairie as we all got updates to new projects and research on the biological station known as Konza Prairie. Soon the cold will give way to the longer days of spring bringing the burn season and new growth to the prairies. There is one thing that I will be spending time on this spring and that are images of prairie burns. I have had numerous request over the years for such images so I will see what I can do this spring standing amongst the smoke filled airs of Kansas.  Burns have become a big topic at the KPBS with federal regulations possibly changing the way burns are conducted. Seems the big cities from Kansas to east coast are effected by the springs burns that take place in the Midwest and mostly from the flint hills. Staggering of burn days and reduction of burns will be needed to keep the air quality at acceptable levels for places that have poor air to begin with which of course is of their own making. Being good stewards of the lands must have balance with the needs of people I know, but it does get frustrating trying to explain that without the lands to sustain us people really don’t have a snowballs chance, if you know what I mean. Oh well that may be a post for another day.

Thanks for checking out the new blog look.