Without challenges there would be no successes.

The last 2 months has been some kind of busy for me, from getting images ready for publications, a gallery show and reception to a redesigned website, also a need to keep up with this blog and social media (facebook & twitter) not to mention the holidays that have past. Yesterday 68 images were delivered to Artist Collection and Custom Framing here in Topeka which will be available thanks to owner Ron K. and his generous offer of images in exchange for custom framing I had done. He picked out an array of work and decided to stick with smaller sizes mostly 8×12’s so he could have a large selection to show with larger sizes always available, thanks again Ron it’s a pleasure working with him, and a quick mention, his talent is outstanding when it comes to custom framing art, top notch in every respect.

I made plans last November to limit my time out on shoots so I could do the things I mentioned, time is extremely valuable when running a business which demands self marketing as well as producing new work on a continuous basis. Taking pictures is fun, the business side not so much, and the business end takes much more time than a person could ever imagine. I read once where one of my photography idles John Shaw said, “when your out taking pictures your spending money, when your in the office your making money”. That should give you an idea of how much time needs to be devoted to each and trust me there in definitely not enough time out creating new work. It’s all part of the business so there is no need fighting it some things just have to be done. OK, I don’t want to come across complaining because I’m really not, being busy is a good thing, challenges are the only way to grow and improve and being somewhat caught up is a good feeling especially with winter hopefully winding down and spring winding up.

I have mentioned before I went through the Docent Training Program for Konza Prairie in 2009 and it’s been one of the best things outside of photography I have ever done. A program that is conducted over 17 Saturday mornings from 9am – noon. Way more information than can be retained even in that time but a program that is geared toward thous who love the Flint Hills and Tallgrass Prairie willing to learn and grow all for the benefit of such places and thous who visit. Most of the time is spent with school aged young people in field trips and lab work but also offers many opportunities throughout Spring, Summer, and Fall  for folks of any age to experience the Tallgrass Prairie up close and personal. I won’t go into the details here other than to say it is taught by two wonderful teachers, Valerie and Annie from Kansas State and has Docents that are extremely qualified in their strictly voluntary efforts. I will again be at tomorrows initial orientation to meet the new class of volunteers and keep up to date on happenings at Konza Prairie. It has really turned out to be a life long learning experience and one can never know enough about the lands we life on.

This spring will bring a new focus on work that is planned, additional images of the intimate landscapes of the Flint Hills, the vast array of wildflowers that will be abundant until fall time, a little storm chasing with hopefully new additions and possible a complete collection of images of atmospheric wonders (guess that’s a fancy way of saying clouds) along with a focus on the spring burns that happen each spring like clockwork. I’ve had many inquiries for images of the burns and I have to say over the last few years I haven’t spent much time chasing the fires in search of such images. With some luck and lots of smoked filled air I will go in search of this hot subject. OK have I overloaded myself calendar yet? Maybe I will through in a road trip to a new area for some exploring excitement in there as well. Goals always keep me focused and striving for better things so I will be quite happy to taken these and new challenges that arrive. And as always this will be the place to stay caught up on my successes and near successes.

On a very updated note, during the writing of this post I received a call from Artist Collection for an order of 12 16×24 prints placed from the work that was delivered yesterday! Wow talk about fast. I’m very happy to say the customer is Stormont Vail Regional Health Center here in Topeka and will be displayed in a newly remodeled section of the hospital. Nature art and photography especially is becoming a very popular addition to medical facilities for it’s healing and positive effects on patients and thous who visit. It’s really great to see such benefits of nature being taken serious by communities and hospitals particularly. My feelings seem to go beyond just providing nature art, it’s brings me great pleasure to know that work I have done may possibly help to bring some comfort to others who are going through difficult times.

Here’s a few images that will dawning the walls of Stormont Vail.


© Brad Mangas

© Brad Mangas

© Brad Mangas