Daily Photography, November 19

© Brad Mangas

Maybe it’s male thing, but whenever I come across a small creature be they insect, reptile, bird or mammal they always capture my attention. I have had this image in my files for awhile, taken out with a fellow photographer at Pilsbury Crossing near Manhattan Kansas. We stopped to shot the small waterfall that is so popular there, it was late fall and most of the leaves had fallen. I walked down stream just looking at things with interest and was paying attention to the leaves in the shallow waters. I came across an area that had these tiny frogs gathered in it and knew I was going to have to take a picture. Even though I was by the waterfalls that garners all the attention of this area I found myself paying attention to the small life that lives there. When we got ready to leave my friend asked what I had been doing and if I got any good pictures of the falls. I just said, I didn’t take any pictures of the falls, but I found some cool little frogs! So no waterfall pictures just the little things that many people miss. I love it when that happens.