Thought I would drop a short post in and ask the question, how much is enough? The new flavor of the day in photography at the moment seems to be the photo sharing sight 500px and in social networking Google+ is talked about constantly.

I have not become a user/member/participant in either one of these new sites yet, don’t know for sure if I will anytime soon. Not that I think they are bad I have rather liked what I’ve seen of both so far. My question is, how much more time do I want to spend setting here in front of the computer keeping more things up to date. I’m a firm believer that if your going to participate in something or have an online presence for others to visit and view you need to have new material on a regular basis. Sure these may not take time like say, maintaining a blog but it’s still time that needs to be devoted so people will want to pay attention. So I ponder the question, do I want to add a new online presence to what is already a blog, facebook, twitter, flickr (which I neglect terribly), gallery site. This along with emails, software updates, image processing, image management, reading blogs, keeping up to date on trends and opportunities, etc…

Seems like there are days when I can spend hours on the computer and walk away feeling like I have accomplished nothing. Would this add to that? Priorities must be followed but at times that is easier said than done. So here I am setting on the fence again, wondering.

© Brad Mangas