My how the time flies by! What’s even harder to understand is we all have the same amount of time in each day but some days just seem to fly by like dust in the wind. One of those things that if I am not careful my mind becomes filled with questions that need answers. Here is the only answer I can come up with. Try to live each day with equal importance. Yep my simple mind at work again!
Good golly it has been cold the last few days in these parts. Morning temps at -6 and wind chills I hear around -25! What! Do I dare say Polar Vortex? Yeah whatever mister weather guru. We seem to have the need to name everything anymore. I guess by giving things names they become more personal or something. I don’t think I need a name to explain cold other than hey it’s frickin’ cold outside due to the fact that it is…. cold outside so put on your long-johns.
I just found out yesterday that this Sunday March 9th is daylight savings. Wow that sure seemed to get here fast this year. I’m not sure how it effects me other than I will be out later in the evenings when exploring and waiting for sunset to happen. For some reason I think it will mean a little less sleep but maybe a little more outdoors time. I will consider this good.
I just received my copy of the Lenswork Monograph Series 2 in the mail yesterday. I have mentioned Lenswork before and write about it in my initial Folio “Veris”. Lenswork is an online and print resource devoted to photography and the creative pursuit. Editor Brooks Jensen has done a wonderful job creating a very unique resource unlike most any other photography resource that I know of. It seems different in many ways than your normal photography website/blog. It takes some time to navigate around all the different things that are there but, I find that fun to do and seems give it a much more informative rather than aesthetic quality. I highly recommend spending time on the website and to get the full experience becoming a paid member. I don’t really want to push the need to spend money but if you do you will have access to much much more great information. Personally I have found it the best membership /subscription offering I have ever purchased in the area of photography and creativity. These Monograph Series books are a separate offering and not part of a membership but, they are beautifully done along the line of collectibles, which I believe is the idea with them. If you have never checked out Lenswork give it a look and see what you think.
It is supposed to start warming up over the next few days. I don’t really get to wrapped up in forecasts unless I am planning a specific outing at a specific time. I just take what is given and push on. My forecasting consists mostly of walking outside and determining the weather at that moment. Seems to be as accurate most media outlets. Yep there will be weather today so if you find it cold put a hat on.
Here is a shot down what I believe use to be the driveway to this farmhouse. In Pottawatomie County very close to were the pictures included in my last journal entry were taken (sorry for the delay in my journal entries). I have driven by this many times and have even photographed it before. It seemed to need more of my attention this time.