© Brad Mangas | Fuji FinePix F700

I may be running a little late getting today’s daily pic posted but it’s still happening in time according to my clock. Today is the Winter Solstice!  At 5:47 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time (that’s 12:47 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) Monday, the Northern Hemisphere marked the mid-point of another year, as measured by the sun’s highest position each day above the horizon. It marked the day with the fewest hours of sunlight this year. Let the parties begin!

I hope your day was eventful and well meaning. And from now on the days get longer. What will we do with all the extra daylight? Why take more pictures of course.

Today’s pic is one from inside my humble abode. In a special room with this animal print fabric hanging. It captures much attention with the visitors we have from time to time. To tell you the truth the inspiration for photographing a fabric, curtain of sorts really came to me from David duChemin and his wonderful PixelatedImage Blog. I’ve been making it a point to pay attention to it. I seem to connect with the way he writes or the images or something. I find it a nice source of inspiration of a different venue from my normal nature photography stuff.

Patterns, textures and design has always been a big part of any type of photography. I find a bit of all 3 in this image.

Have a wonderful winter season!