A shot from Big Shunga Park. I’m fortunate to live right across the street from a section of Shunga Park. This park has walking and biking trails that stretch over 5 miles meandering through Topeka following Shunga Creek. I’ve spent many hours exploring along the creek and woods all times of the year. I have always thought I should make a project of photographing the park through the seasons and put a book together with images and descriptions, kind of a “Year in Shunga Park”. I know I’ve mentioned it at least once before on this blog as a project I was going to do. I guess the simple act of producing yet another shot while out walking Lexi is moving me in that direction.
The tall pines in this park have always captured my attention. Just that one area alone has produced one of my favorite shots a couple of years back. Shunga Moon has brought many favorable comments from people that have seen it in print. The couple of times I’ve taken a print to art shows they have been one of the first images to sell. Hmm guess that should tell me something.
Lexi and I were on our way back across the open field of the park when the tall pines in the distance once again yelled at me to take their picture. (Or was the ringing in my head)? Guess it doesn’t really matter.